Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So I wanted to just catch up and report how things went at the art fair this weekend. I was involved in VOLTA-NY.
I had been telling people leading up to the fair that doing an art fair at this time in history, at this moment in the economic shit storm that we are living through, was totally stupid and totally 2006. Art fairs were a thing of the past. A big waste of money. I was hoping that maybe I'd get some attention for what I did and maybe, if I was lucky, sell a couple of things.

Well. The Art Fair was totally like 2006. Miami 2006 as a matter of fact. My drawings were selling like hot cakes and the interest in my work seemed to grow exponentially as the weekend progressed. I had been somewhat upset that a gallery who had been working with me had decided not to include my work at their booth at Armory, but by the end of the weekend, they had heard about the wild fire going on around my work at VOLTA, and I found out that my work was not only up in the booth, but also on the wall of the gallery in Brooklyn. A minor coup by my standards. The other thing that was funny was that my dealer from Brussels had asked his dear friend to work with us at my VOLTA booth. Well, this dear friend was also the wife and partner of a former dealer of my work so suddenly I was back to showing in the fold with people who had left me for dead two years ago. It was quite a come back story if I do say so.

I also ran into a bunch of folks whom I had worked with at a recent gallery that I had bailed out of back in April because I recognized that the dealer was shaddy to say the least. I am sorry to say that all of these people are still trying desperately to get paid by that guy and get their work back. I was really sad for these people but glad that I had good instincts and listened to myself when I cancelled a show and moved on.

I did a performance on Saturday that went really well and sang along to a music video that I had made of Rheinstone Cowboy. The whole weekend was like going to a big high school reunion as I saw folks from all sorts of parts from my past. I even saw an old dealer and his wife from out of town, whom I thought by now had to hate me, and we all made nice and talked about our kids, and this guy's wife even admitted to sneaking a peak at the Toothless Alcoholic Blog every once in a while, while at work.

I told my wife that I was really happy and psyched by all of my successes. And I told her that the best part was that I did it all with out doing any drugs or boozing it up or getting a lap dance. Well she said that she was happy for me, but she didn't see what the big deal was. She said she goes to work every day with needing to drink a sixpack and smoke a pile of cigarettes.
But I still look at tall of this as just some extra mustard on top of what was already a pretty excellent weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lapdance? ;)