Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here is a painting...
Untitled (Off Into The Sunset...)2008 OIL ON CANVAS + Light Fixture approx 65" x 50"
Full of optimism and satire all at the same moment...


Anonymous said...

I have two questions.
One: Why 'toothless'? Your writing has bite.
Two: I was wondering when you post a piece of your art, could you also tell us the medium and size, and so on? Like, is the above painting oil, or acrylic or watercolor? Also, what size is it?
I'm a fan of your blog and curious about these things.

Lorrie Veasey said...

I would like to expand upon the points raised by ak47 and add these requests:

-can you let s know if your work is from memory or life models, and if it's the latter, were they wearing underwear?

-Can you let us know what this sort of thing would sell on Ebay for?

-If this doesn't match my couch: could you re-paint it in say, aquamarine?

Have your people call my people Kramer.

david kramer said...

toothless is such because I am someone who love to drink but because O my liver, I go without.No more bullets as they say...

Anonymous said...

Ah. Now I see. 65" by 50" is big. From the picture, I was imagining something more like 24" by 18", which totally changes my perception of the piece. Thanks for the info.

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